
Main Documentation: Intro to the Binge Tracker

This document introduces go through all files inside sources directory in our github repo and explain their purposes and functionalities.

CI/CD Pipeline


Source Files

Here is the overview of the hierarchy of all files in the source directory:
(Click on each of it to see the decription of files and each function inside the file)

Files Description








This file consists of E2E tests for every every functionality in the expandedMoviecard.js and tests to esnure that all data shows gets stored in local storage properly and that all data shows up properly on the webpage as well. I return to the Source Files

Page Designs


The file consists of both css and html codes for the “add content” subpages. There are three main html conponents: movie/show selections page, add movie page, and add show page. Choosing movie or show in the selection page will display the corresponding html codes.


The file movie-show-subpage imports corresponding javascript files (expandedMovieCard, expandedShowcard, movie-show-subpage) which implement inner html and inner css for this page.


return to the overview



Add Content is our handler for addContent.html and for our editing system. Add content looks for if there is an incoming ID it should load, or if this is a completely new creation. Then based on which form is selected, it will create a show or movie as long as none of the information is unexpected or bad data.


The file contains both inner html, css, and javascripts for designing and styling of the expanded movie card when click on the movie’s name. The expanded movie card include rating, comments, and movable progress bar to keep track of how much we have already watched.


The file contains both inner html, css, and javascripts for designing and styling of the expanded show card when click on the show’s name. The expanded show card include rating, comments, and clickable check boxes for each episode to track the number of expisodes watched.


Document that houses the localStorage used by Jest, for the sake of proper unit testing of functions that use localStorage.


Document that get all the data from localStorage and create small show or movie card base on the data.


Document that starts the function calls to generate the expanded cards


The file contains both inner html, css, and javascripts for designing and styling of the small movie cards that appear on the home page. The small movie card displays the show title and image, the rating, and how much progress the user has made into the show.


The file contains both inner html, css, and javascripts for designing and styling of the small show cards that appear on the home page. The small show card displays the show title and image, the rating, and how much progress the user has made into the show.


The file contains commonly used functions for loading, saving and getting the id of an element from local storage. Main purpose of this file to to prevent redundent code bloat in other files return to the overview


This file contains both css and html codes for the main page, which established links to subpages and expanded movie card. The code also organize the layout for small movie cards. return to the overview

Data Storage

All functions should be written in tools.js.

All the movie information are stored as value of key shows in localstorage. The following functions are required for data operations:

Getter: getShowsFromStorage()

We assume all the attributes are valid for each show. Validation check should be formed before adding new show.

Main Page: index.html

Files that are modified: main.js, index.html,

Optional: form.html, form.js, detail.html, detail.js Mainpage_Picture

Note: Data verification need to be performed in this function to ensure all attributes are valid.

Display section

The javascipt code should looks like somthing as following:

window.addEventListener('TODO', init);

function init() {

Note: If we want to integrate the form we mentioned above into index.html, then a formhandler() function should also be included somewhere in the js code.

In this initialization function, we should get the data from local storage and then using such data to create small cards. The operation is suggested to be wrapped as following function, addSmallCards()

Note: There are various ways to implement the above function. But the easiest way to do so is to create a new class of HTMLElement called smallCard. The implementation could refer to lab6 and lab7 and define an element called smallCard from this class. Then we could simply create bunch of smallcards in addSmallCards().

Showing Expanded Card

Similarly, we are going to implement a function called addExpandedCard(). However, the detail is not discussed well and there are two possible ways for implementation.

Method 1: New page.

We need a new page called detail.html.

Step1. Design and implement all the html and css code outside the wrapper. The wrapper is where we would insert the expanded card.

Step2. Modify the innerHTML of smallCard.(For example, make the some DOM as a link to the detail.html). And when the user click the small card, add an indicator in local storage so we know which show the user want to see in detail.

Step3. Like what we did for smallCards, we insert a desired expanded card into the wrapper in detail.html.

Method 2: Stay in the same page.

Instead of creating a new page, we could also simply insert the expanded card write below the small cards.


The anchoring between two website is base on the index. Inside the smallShowCard and smallMovieCard class it will link to it’s corresponding subpage and editpage. The way to achive this is to use index add a parameter into link.

addContent.html example:

if the link is ./assets/pages/add-content.html?ind=0 Then the index for the movie or show we want edit is 0. Then at addContent.js will use URLSearchParams(queryString) to get the parameter ind = 0 and know what it is calling from the the movie or show card index 0.

movie-show-subpage.html example:

if the link is ./assets/pages/movie-show-subpage.html?ind=0 Then the index for the movie or show we want edit is 0. Then at movie-show-subpage.js will use URLSearchParams(queryString) to get the parameter ind = 0 and know what it is calling from the the movie or show card index 0. Then it will generate the corresponding expandshow or expandmovie card to movie-show-subpage.