* Edit or insert a new movie or show to the local storge base on the from at
* add-content.html
* @namespace addContent
//importing functions from tools.js
import {getShowsFromStorage} from './tools.js';
import {saveShowsToStorage} from './tools.js';
export {editFormHandler}
export {initFormHandler}
// export {editMovie}
// Binding initialization function to document listener
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
* The init() function for the add-content.html. It will check if the calling link
* has index or not. If have index then we are edit a exsit show and movie. Then we
* will calling editFormHandler with the corresponding index inside the link. If the
* calling link doesn't have index then we are inserting a new movie or show to the
* watch list. Then we will calling initFormHandler() to insert a new movie and show.
* For example if the location is ./assets/pages/add-content.html?ind=0 Then the index
* for the movie or show we want edit is 0. Then we will just called editformhandler(0)
* to edit it.
* @function init
* @memberof addContent
function init() {
let queryString = window.location.search;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const ind = urlParams.get('ind')
if (ind != null) {
} else {
* Called when we want to edit an exsit show or movie. It will fill in the form with all the data
* corresponding with the specfic show or movie with thier special index. When user click the submit
* button it will update the new data to local stroge at corresponding index.
* For example:
* editFormHandler(0) will fill in the from with the data at local storge has index 0
* @function editFormHandler
* @memberof addContent
* @param {number} ind - The index value for the Movie or Show
function editFormHandler(ind) {
// get element form html
const contentSelection = document.getElementById("contentSelection");
const formSelectorMovie = document.getElementById('new-movie');
const formSelectorShow = document.getElementById('new-show');
const seasonsNumber = document.getElementById("totalSeasons");
const episodeField = document.getElementById('episodeFill');
let card = getShowsFromStorage();
//Check if we are eidt movie or show
formSelectorMovie.hidden = true;
formSelectorShow.hidden = false;
// change contentSelection to show and hidden movie
contentSelection.value = 'show';
const selectMovie = document.getElementById("selectMovie");
selectMovie.hidden = true;
// fill in movie name
const showTitle = document.getElementById('showTitle');
showTitle.value = `${card[ind]['showTitle']}`;
// fill in imgSrc
const imgSrc = document.getElementById('imgSrc-Show');
imgSrc.value = `${card[ind]['imgSrc']}`;
// recreate episodes bar
const totalSeasons = document.getElementById('totalSeasons');
totalSeasons.value = `${card[ind]['episodeArray'].length}`;
for(let i = 0; i< card[ind]['episodeArray'].length; i++){
episodeField.innerHTML += `<label for="season${i+1}Episodes"> Episodes in season ${i+1}:
<input type="number" id="season${i+1}Episodes" name = "episodes" min="0" max="10000" required>
</label> <br>` ;
// fill in number of episode for each season
for(let i = 0; i< card[ind]['episodeArray'].length; i++){
const season = document.getElementById(`season${i+1}Episodes`);
season.value = card[ind]['episodeArray'][i].length;
// fill in label
const label0 = document.getElementById('rating-0-Show');
const label1 = document.getElementById('rating-1-Show');
const label2 = document.getElementById('rating-2-Show');
const label3 = document.getElementById('rating-3-Show');
const label4 = document.getElementById('rating-4-Show');
const label5 = document.getElementById('rating-5-Show');
if (card[ind]['rating'] == 0) {label0.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 1) {label1.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 2) {label2.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 3) {label3.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 4) {label4.click();}
else {label5.click();}
// fill in review
const review = document.getElementById('review');
review.value = `${card[ind]['review']}`;
// change inner Text to edit
const movieSubmit = document.getElementById('showSubmit');
movieSubmit.innerText = 'Edit Show';
} else {
formSelectorMovie.hidden = false;
formSelectorShow.hidden = true;
// change contentSelection to movie and hidden show
contentSelection.value = 'movie';
const selectShow = document.getElementById("selectShow");
selectShow.hidden = true;
// fill in movie name
const movieName = document.getElementById('movieName');
movieName.value = `${card[ind]['movieName']}`;
// fill in imgSrc
const imgSrc = document.getElementById('imgSrc-Movie');
imgSrc.value = `${card[ind]['imgSrc']}`;
// fill in movieTime
const movieTime = document.getElementById('movieTime');
movieTime.value = `${card[ind]['movieTime']}`;
// fill in movieFar
const movieFar = document.getElementById('movieFar');
movieFar.value = `${card[ind]['movieFar']}`;
// fill in label
const label0 = document.getElementById('rating-0-Movie');
const label1 = document.getElementById('rating-1-Movie');
const label2 = document.getElementById('rating-2-Movie');
const label3 = document.getElementById('rating-3-Movie');
const label4 = document.getElementById('rating-4-Movie');
const label5 = document.getElementById('rating-5-Movie');
if (card[ind]['rating'] == 0) {label0.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 1) {label1.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 2) {label2.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 3) {label3.click();}
else if (card[ind]['rating'] == 4) {label4.click();}
else {label5.click();}
// fill in review
const review = document.getElementById('review-Movie');
review.value = `${card[ind]['review']}`;
// change inner Text to edit
const movieSubmit = document.getElementById('movieSubmit');
movieSubmit.innerText = 'Edit Movie';
// Once the season number is changed number inputs for the amount of episodes
// appear based on the inputted number of seasons
seasonsNumber.addEventListener('change',() => {
episodeField.innerHTML = "";
for(let i = 0; i< seasonsNumber.value; i++){
episodeField.innerHTML += `<label for="season${i+1}Episodes"> Episodes in season ${i+1}:
<input type="number" id="season${i+1}Episodes" name = "episodes" required>
</label> <br>` ;
//These lines get the two respective buttons for movie and show submit
const submitSelectorMovie = document.getElementById("movieSubmit");
const submitSelectorShow = document.getElementById("showSubmit");
submitSelectorMovie.addEventListener("click", editMovie);
submitSelectorShow.addEventListener("click", editShow);
* Update the edit data to local storge with the corresponding index.
* @function editMovie
* @memberof addContent
function editMovie() {
const formData = new FormData(formSelectorMovie);
let movieObject = {};
let canSubmit = true;
for (let [key, value] of formData) {
if (key == "movieName" && value == "") {
canSubmit = false;
if (key == "imgSrc" && value == "") {
value = './assets/img/icons/bingetracker_logo.png';
if (key == "movieTime" && (value == "" || parseInt(value) < 0)) {
canSubmit = false;
if (key == "movieFar" && (value == "" || parseInt(value) < 0)) {
canSubmit = false;
card[ind][key] = value;
if (parseInt(card[ind]["movieFar"]) > parseInt(card[ind]["movieTime"])) {
card[ind]["movieFar"] = card[ind]["movieTime"];
if (canSubmit) {
movieObject["movie"] = true;
* Update the edit data to local storge with the corresponding index.
* The editShow function deals a little specially with being able to make
* our 2D array to pass, it has an array "episodeArray" and array "toPush"
* Since "totalSeasons" isn't needed to create the expandedCard it's bypassed
* Everytime an element with name "episodes" the function create false boolean
* values which will represent unwatched episodes, and these are pushed to
* episode array to create a 2D array.
* @function editShow
* @memberof addContent
function editShow() {
const formData = new FormData(formSelectorShow);
let validEpisodes = true;
let episodeArray = [];
let toPush = [];
//let smallShowObject = {};
for (let [key, value] of formData) {
console.log("key: " + key);
console.log("value: " + value);
if (key == "showTitle" && value == "") {
validEpisodes = false;
if (key == "imgSrc" && value == "") {
value = './assets/img/icons/bingetracker_logo.png';
if (key == "episodeArray" && value.length == 0) {
validEpisodes = false;
if(key == "totalSeasons"){
if (value == "" || parseInt(value) < 0 || parseInt(value) > 500) {
validEpisodes = false;
else if(key == "episodes"){
//totalEpisodes += value;
if (value < 0) {
validEpisodes = false;
console.log("value: " + value)
for(let i = 0; i < value; i++){
if (toPush.length == 0) {
validEpisodes = false;
toPush = [];
card[ind][key] = value;
if (validEpisodes) {
// update the imgAlt and showTitle
card[ind]["imgAlt"] = card[ind]["showTitle"];
card[ind]["episodeArray"] = episodeArray;
// update local storage
* Called when we want to create a new show or movie. It will
* For example:
* editFormHandler(0) will fill in the from with the data at local storge has index 0
* @function initFormHandler
* @memberof addContent
function initFormHandler() {
const contentSelection = document.getElementById("contentSelection");
const formSelectorMovie = document.getElementById('new-movie');
const formSelectorShow = document.getElementById('new-show');
const seasonsNumber = document.getElementById("totalSeasons");
const episodeField = document.getElementById('episodeFill');
// This event listener will check what
contentSelection.addEventListener('change', () =>{
if(contentSelection.value == "show"){
formSelectorMovie.hidden = true;
formSelectorShow.hidden = false;
formSelectorMovie.hidden = false;
formSelectorShow.hidden = true;
* Once the season number is changed number inputs for the amount of episodes
* appear based on the inputted number of seasons
seasonsNumber.addEventListener('change',() => {
episodeField.innerHTML = "";
for(let i = 0; i< seasonsNumber.value; i++){
episodeField.innerHTML += `<label for="season${i+1}Episodes"> Episodes in season ${i+1}:
<input type="number" id="season${i+1}Episodes" name = "episodes" min="0" max="10000" required>
</label> <br>` ;
//These lines get the two respective buttons for movie and show submit
const submitSelectorMovie = document.getElementById("movieSubmit");
const submitSelectorShow = document.getElementById("showSubmit");
submitSelectorMovie.addEventListener("click", insertMovie);
submitSelectorShow.addEventListener("click", insertShow);
* The function to create a movie object if that is the current form being
* submitted
* @function insertMovie
* @memberof addContent
function insertMovie() {
const formData = new FormData(formSelectorMovie);
let movieObject = {};
for (let [key, value] of formData) {
if (key == 'imgSrc') {
if (value == "") {
value = './assets/img/icons/bingetracker_logo.png';
movieObject[key] = value;
movieObject['rating'] = 0;
movieObject["movie"] = true;
let movies = getShowsFromStorage();
movieObject["id"] = movies.length;
if (parseInt(movieObject["movieFar"]) > parseInt(movieObject["movieTime"])) {
movieObject["movieFar"] = movieObject["movieTime"];
// check the number of character in the input
if (!(movieObject["movieName"] == "" || movieObject["imgSrc"] == "" ||
movieObject["movieTime"] == "" || parseInt(movieObject["movieTime"]) < 0 ||
movieObject["movieFar"] == "" || parseInt(movieObject["movieFar"]) < 0)) {
* The insertShow function deals a little specially with being able to make
* our 2D array to pass, it has an array "episodeArray" and array "toPush"
* Since "totalSeasons" isn't needed to create the expandedCard it's bypassed
* Everytime an element with name "episodes" the function create false boolean
* values which will represent unwatched episodes, and these are pushed to
* episode array to create a 2D array.
* Small objects still need to be created from this currently
* Once the objects are created, you are taken to the homepage
* @function insertShow
* @memberof addContent
function insertShow() {
const formData = new FormData(formSelectorShow);
let episodeArray = [];
let toPush = [];
let showObject = {};
let validEpisodes = true;
for (let [key, value] of formData) {
console.log("key: " + key);
console.log("value: " + value);
if (key == 'imgSrc') {
if (value == "") {
value = './assets/img/icons/bingetracker_logo.png';
if(key == "totalSeasons"){
if (value == "" || parseInt(value) < 0 || parseInt(value) > 500) {
validEpisodes = false;
else if(key == "episodes"){
//totalEpisodes += value;
if (value < 0) {
validEpisodes = false;
for(let i = 0; i < value; i++){
if (toPush.length == 0) {
validEpisodes = false;
toPush = [];
showObject[key] = value;
showObject['rating'] = 0;
showObject["imgAlt"] = showObject["showTitle"];
showObject["episodeArray"] = episodeArray;
showObject["movie"] = false;
let shows = getShowsFromStorage();
showObject["id"] = shows.length;
if (!(showObject["showTitle"] == "" || showObject["imgSrc"] == "" ||
showObject["episodeArray"].length == 0) && validEpisodes) {